Monday, April 30, 2018

Newsletter and Updates May 2

Safety Patrol Members who are going to DC have a meeting on May 10th at 5:30

Field Trip Permission forms for Field Day are Due May 8

The 5th Grade Promotion Celebration is at Central High School on May 17th at 6pm. Information has been sent home about this event.  A copy of that invitation can be seen HERE.

Field Day for 5th Grade is May 11th. The permission slip has been sent home today. Please return the permission slip no later than May 8th. 

Gresham Soccer Tryouts are today and also on May 7th. You can find that information HERE.

Talent Show Tryout information has been sent home. Please make sure your child needs everything they require for tryouts. Tryout day for Mrs. Fraker's homeroom is May7th and the talent show will be May 23rd.

Interim report cards have been sent home, please sign and return these as soon as possible. 

We are beginning to prepare for 6th grade. We have some exciting projects planned for the last few weeks of school including studies about ancient civilizations, science projects about outerspace, and studying this history of numbers. We are looking forward to a fun-filled May with your students.

Festival on the Hill, sponsored by Gresham Middle School, is this Friday, May 4th from 4:30-6:30 pm. It is a free community celebration and they will have cake walks, a photo booth, face painting, performances, robotics, and story telling. For more information, contact Gresham at 865-689-1430. Information went in your student's mailbox today.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Talent Show Tryouts

Talent Show Try-Outs on are May 7th for Mrs. Fraker's Homeroom. Please make sure you have everything you need to try out. 

The show will be on May 23rd and those who will be participating will be announced on or around May 14th.

Important Updates- Girl's Soccer

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Emergency Substitute Plans

Good Morning Friends!

Today you will complete several activities. You can choose the order in which you complete the actives. They must all be completed by the end of the day.  When you have finished all of the activities, you can log on to i-ready.

MATH/READING-  I have uploaded some articles about math for you to read. Choose 3 of the articles, read and answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please be sure to write your name, the date, and the title of the article above the questions. Answer the questions in complete sentences and make sure you use evidence from the text to answer the questions.

Click on the titles below to complete the work:


Basic Geometry Terms

Classifying Triangles

Coordinate Grids


SOCIAL STUDIES-  Click HERE for the instructions for your Writing About History project. Please work on this independently.  Take your notes on notebook paper.

SCIENCE-  Click HERE to find your science activities for the day.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The World Keeps Spinning

OBJECTIVE: Relate the tilt of the Earth’s axis, as it revolves around the sun, to the varying intensities of sunlight at different latitudes. Evaluate how this causes changes in day-lengths and seasons.


In this activity you will be learning more about the how the Earth is tilted on its axis. You will also learn about how the sunlight hits the earth differently at different latitudes. You will answer the questions about how the tilt of the earth changes day lengths and seasons.


You will read the articles and watch the videos presented. You will answer the questions in THIS DOCUMENT.  You will create a Google slide show with at least 10 slides that explains how the tilt of the earth is related to the length of the day and the change of the seasons OR you can create a presentation poster with at least 5 images and a good explanation of how the Earth's axis affects day lengths and seasons. 

You will take notes as directed by your teacher. 


Watch these Brainpop videos: Solstice & Equinox, Sun, Seasons please take notes, take the quizzes, and email your results to your teacher. 

Watch the following videos and take notes as you watch, put all notes into your google document:

Reading the following articles, take notes as you read:

After watching the videos, reading the articles, answering the questions, and taking notes. Create your Google slide show. Be sure to email your teacher the notes, the answers to the questions, the Brainpop Quizzes, and your final Google Slide Show. 



Please make sure you have emailed all of your work to your teacher. You should have answered all of your questions in complete sentences. Your notes should be thorough. Check the rubric above to make sure you have completed everything to the best of your ability.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Rocking Outerspace- Creating Your Own Book

OBJECTIVE: Use data to categorize different bodies in our solar system including moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids according to their physical properties and motion.


For this project, you will research some space rocks and other materials. Including asteroids, moons, meteoroids, and comets.  In this quest, you will watch videos and read articles about asteroids, moons, meteoroids, and comets and you will organize the material into a book about space rocks.


Using the websites that are provided, you will research the different space materials and create a book that explains the physical properties and motion of each of the different bodies. 

Your book will have a title page and one page for each body (asteroids, moons, meteoroids, and comets), a page with the websites you used listed. Your book will also need to be fully illustrated and in color. 

Each page will answer the following questions and include a picture created by you.

What is a asteroid, moon, meteoroid, or comet? (At least one page for each body)
What is the body made of?
How big is the typical asteroid, moon, meteoroid or comet?
How do they move? 
Are they hot or cold?
Where in the atmosphere are they located?
Are there any that are famous?


You will watch the following Brainpop videos, take the quiz and email the quiz to your teacher:

You will read the following websites and take notes into a google document. You will email your notes to your teacher:

Watch the following videos:



When you are finished, you will turn your completed book in to the teacher. Be sure to compare it to the rubric above. Did you take your notes and turn them in? Did you email the Brainpop Quizzes? Is your book ready to be graded? 

Shine Bright Like the Sun-Webquest


You will complete the following tasks in order to learn more about how our sun compares to other stars in the universe.


 You will answer the questions, take notes, write an expository text, and create a Google slide show in order to better understand how our sun compares to other stars in the universe.


  • Copy the questions from THIS DOCUMENT into your own google document that you title, "Shine Bright Like the Sun"
  • You should also take notes as directed by your teacher. 
  • Watch the following Brainpop videos, take notes, and then complete the quizzes and email them to your teacher
  • Read the following articles and websites about the sun, take notes, and use that information to answer the questions with complete sentences, in your own words, into your document "Shine Bright Like the Sun"
  • Watch the following videos about the sun and take notes!

  • Email the answered questions to your teacher. 
  • Use your notes and answers to write a brief expository text (at least 3 paragraphs) about the Sun. Email this to your teacher
  • Use your notes and answers to create a 10 slide presentation about the sun. It should include at least 5 images and 8 important facts about the sun. Please make sure your presentation is neat and professional and  also includes a slide that credits all of the websites you used to find your information 
  • OR Use your notes to create a visual presentation of our Sun compares to others in the universe. You could build a 3D model, create a poster, or any other physical presentation you could think of.
  • All projects are due May 17


Cooking Math Webquest

Click on this webquest below and read through and follow the directions:

Webquest with Cooking and Fractions

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Does your child need tutoring?

Knox County Library offers free online tutoring. Find out more about that HERE.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

7 Habits of Happy Kids

This year we have been learning about the 7 Habits for Happy Kids.

Watch these videos of kids who made songs about the 7 Habits.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Do you have any ideas for songs, posters, or ways to promote these 7 Habits?

Go ahead, start creating!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Lesson 27 Quiz

Click HERE to take the quiz.

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Important Dates

April 12- Thursday Morning Clubs Begin 7:30-8:00
April 13- Class Picture
April 17- TCAP testing begins and continues through April 26th

May 1- No School
May 10- 5th Grade Rotates with all 5 teachers for fun activities. We will end the day with our own classroom superlatives celebration.
May 11- Field Day, Grades 3-5 @ Central High School 9:00-1:15, Lunch at 11:00- NO CONCESSIONS
May 14- Zuzu Acrobats perform for grades 3-5, 1:00pm
May 16- 4th/5th Grade Swap Day
May 17- 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony @Central High School 6:00pm - Wear your "Sunday" best
May 23rd- Talent Show- Ice Cream Sundae Celebration
May 24- Students' Last 1/2 Day

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...