Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2019

WIN Time Research Project

5th Grade Research Project

You will be working on a research project independently during your WIN time, one day a week for the next 9 weeks. 

Week 1: Choosing a Topic/Reviewing the Rubric 

Choosing a topic:

You will be given a list to choose from or your teacher may assign a topic to you.

You will be graded based on the rubric that is linked to below.

Click Here to see the topics for this 9 weeks

Click here to see the informative/explanatory rubric for writing

Weeks 2 & 3 - Note Taking

You will open the note taking document in Google Docs and save it to your Google Drive.
You will rename it with your name, note taking and the topic you are researching; for example:
"Jenifer Fraker- Note Taking- George Washington"

Make sure to find the answers to all of the questions in your form

Click here to open the note taking document and save it into your Google Drive

***Websites/Resources to be used for research: 

Kidz Search




Weeks 4 & 5-- Writing Organizer

You will open the writing organizer and using the note taking form from last week you will begin to organize your writing. Open the writing organizer and save it with your entire name, topic and Writing Organizer for example:  "Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Writing Organizer"

Click here to open the writing organizer and save it to your Google Drive

Weeks 6 & 7  Writing your Paper

Using your writing organizer, type your paper as a Google Doc and save it to your Google Drive.

Make sure you cite your sources, answer all of the questions in your writing organizer, and write a strong introduction and conclusion.

Also make sure you whisper read your paper to yourself and fix your errors.

Save it to your drive with your name, topic, and Research Paper, for example:  Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Research Paper

When you are finished, your teacher will ask you to share your paper with them for grading.

Weeks 8 & 9

Using the information and images collected for your paper, create a Google Slides presentation to share on the blogspot. You will save your Google Slides presentation with your name, topic and Google Slides; for example: Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Google Slides

You should cover all of the major points from your paper, include at least 4 images, and have a title page and a resources page in your slide show. You will share it with Mrs. Fraker by using her email address: and she will add it to the blogspot if you met all of the criteria. 

Create a Kahoot Quiz about your famous person using the information from your research.
Create an informative poster all about your person for display in the hallway. 
Write a poem about your person. 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

One Day Research Projects

You have been hired for a non-fiction magazine to write a 4 paragraph article. Your article will be on a topic of your choosing (and approved by your teacher). You will need to take notes, and keep track of every website you use, and type your paper. You will also have to present this information to your news team.

1st Step- Choose a topic and get it approved.

2nd Step- Start searching kid friendly sites for information (the teacher will help you)

3rd step- Choose a question about your topic to research.   Example: Topic --Turtles   Research-- Why are sea turtles facing extinction?

4th Step- Take tons of notes about your question. Use at least 4 different resources for information. Write your notes on notebook paper with the source listed at the top.

5th Step- Using your notes: Write a paper and make a google slides presentation. Your article needs to have at least 4 paragraphs and include a picture. Your google slide presentation needs at least 5 slides presenting the information to your news team.

Deadline: 1:00 today! Presentations begin promptly at 1:15

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Important People of World War 1

Create a Google Slide Show with at least 11 slides, 2 for each person or category below and a slide where you cite your sources:

Herbert Hoover

John J. Pershing


Lawrence Tyson

Alvin C. York

Women of the 20s

You have to include the following information:
Who/What are they?
Why were they important during WW1?
A picture
Your sources should be listed as well.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Battle Royale

Battle Royale Games

New Ones Coming Out Soon

The History of Battle Royale Games

Imagine Dragons- Research

Imagine Dragons Page

Imagine Dragons-Music Page


Disney History

7 Things You Might Not Know About Walt Disney

Disney Activities

History of Disney and Disney Television

Walt Disney Programs

Walt Disney Biography

Careers With Disney

Disney World History

History of Disney Video

Germany-- Research

Kid's Travel Guide- Germany

National Geographic

Germany Facts for Kids

Science Kids

Facts About Germany

Interesting Facts About Germany

Germany for Kids


Kid Zone

Tennessee Snakes

All About Snakes

Living With Wildlife

Live Science

National Geographic Kids

Science DAily

Weird Facts About Snakes

Snakes for Kids

Amazing Snakes

Dolphins- Research

Dolphin Biology

Educational Video For Kids

NBA Research

Complete list of NBA players

Shooting Fundamentals

History of the NBA

Encyclopedia Entry

NBA History

25 Best Players in NBA History

Pandas- Research

10 Facts About Pandas

Giant Panda Facts


Pandas Then and Now

Red Pandas

Giant Panda

Watch a Baby Panda Grow Up

Discovery Channel Pandas

Science Kids


Turtles- Research Sources

Awesome Facts About Turtles

Fun Turtle Facts

Green Sea Turtle

Turtles versus Tortoise

Saving the World's Endangered Sea Turtle

Smithsonian Article on Turtles

Sea Turtle Research

Government Website About Sea Turtles

Why a Turtle Hides its Head

University of Illinois Studies Turtles Too

Box Turtle Video

Center for Sea Turtle Research

US Fish and Wildlife

Article Written for Kids, About Turtles

Characteristics of Sea Turtles

Turtle Fact Sheet- National Aquarium

Monday, February 2, 2015


Hey FIFTH GRADERS! We are going to be starting a research project very soon, and we want to make sure you know more about writing a research paper.

You will use the websites below to learn more about citing sources.

Website for all types of CITATIONS click HERE 

Citations for kids, great website for planning a paper HERE

Then copy these questions onto a piece of paper and answer them, you may have to search the above websites to find the answers:

What is a citation?

What are three items that should be included in a citation from a book?

What would four reliable sources be for a research paper?

Do you have to add the page numbers in a citation when using a magazine?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Researching the Titanic

You have been given the task of researching a ship called The Titanic.  Below you will find many resources you will be able to use in order to research that fateful tragedy. Please follow your teacher's instructions about how, when, and why you are using these sites.

The site we will use can be accessed through our school library. It is one of the Trueflix resources. This site has movies, online articles, books, primary sources, and many, many other amazing sources for research.

You will need to get the username and password from your teacher in order to use  this site.

Trueflix Titanic Resources

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...