Thursday, March 1, 2018

Parent Conferences

Spring parent conferences are scheduled for March 22nd this year. Unfortunately, I will be traveling to a conference with my own children that weekend and will miss that Thursday and Friday of school.

If you would like to talk with me about your child's math grade, please feel free to send an email to or text me at 865-566-5637. We can schedule a time the following week before or after school.

Your child's grades are available on Aspen, and I usually post 3-4 math grades per week. If you do not have a parent login for this website, you can contact to get one set up. Your child also has a login and you can see all of your student's grades with their logins as well.

Many of you have asked about extra credit, and as your child knows, every lesson comes with an extra credit opportunity. They have a parent/family engagement sheet in their workbooks that they can complete with any adult and receive extra credit. There have been 18 opportunities to do that this year, and there will be at least 15 more as we go through the lessons. They have to be completed and turned in by the Friday after we finish that lesson. For example, we took a text on lesson 18 this Wednesday, so the students have until Friday to get the extra credit in for lesson 18.

Your child has homework almost every week, unless we have schedule interruptions. Homework is due on Friday for full credit and can be turned in on Monday for a C.

I try not to give zeros, so if you notice your child has a score of 50 or a U, it is possibly because they didn't do the assignment at all. I do not take classwork assignments late unless the child has been absent, then they have 3 days to get them in to me.

I also give participation grades weekly. The child just has to interact with other students positively and contribute to discussion to earn an A. If you are seeing participation grades lower than an A, check with your child to find out why.

Also, the children have an I-ready account online which is geared directly towards their mathematical needs. We give them at least 1 hour a week to work on this in class. The goal for your child is to take and pass one lesson a week, often kids do 3-4 lessons per week. Your child can also work on this at home, they know their usernames and passwords. The website is:

Please let me know if you have any questions about your child's math class. We are working hard to prepare them for middle school, and I love watching them learn and grow.

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