Wednesday, December 19, 2018

January Choice Board Math

January Choice Board for Math Can be Found HERE

Finding LCD

Watch this video on finding the LCD and then complete the worksheet on your choiceboard.

January 8 Choice Board

You have a copy of the January Choice Board But if you want to see it you can click

HERE- January Choice Board

January Analogies Practice

Click HERE to take a mini lesson on analogies.

Once you are finished, test out your knowledge HERE.

Commonly Misspelled Words

Write each of the following words in your reading journal, then trace them with a colored pencil.

Study them closely, they are words that tons of 5th graders forget how to spell.

Write a story using at least 10 of the words and staple it to your choice board.

a lot

Finding Water Animal Fossils On Land

Click HERE  to read this month's article about fossils. Answer the questions at the end on a piece of notebook paper and staple it to your choice board.

Label the paper at the top: Finding Water Animal Fossils on Land

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Parts of Speech Video

Watch this video about the 8 parts of speech and then create a mini book. In your mini book you will identify the 8 parts of speech and give examples of each.

The Designs of da Vinci

Click HERE to read our text this week The Designs of da Vinci

How to Make a Mini- Book

If your teacher has asked you to make a mini-book, and you have forgotten how,
watch the instructions HERE

Friday, December 14, 2018

Genius Hour Class Project

Click HERE to access the Genius Hour Class Project.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Roaring Twenties

Students will choose one of the topics below:

* WC Handy
* Bessie Smith
* Harlem Renaissance
* Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of the St. Louis

Students will research their topics and write a three paragraph paper covering the: Who, What, Where, When and Why this topic is important?

Research papers should follow all of our NO EXCUSES rules and be typed into a google document.

When you are FINISHED with your paper, submit it to your teacher (Fraker's Kids check Canvas- Social Studies).

Then you may create a GOOGLE slide presentation using the research you have done. Please include at least 5 slides, with 3 pictures, and make sure you cite your sources.

You will have two days to complete this task.

Important People of World War 1

Create a Google Slide Show with at least 11 slides, 2 for each person or category below and a slide where you cite your sources:

Herbert Hoover

John J. Pershing


Lawrence Tyson

Alvin C. York

Women of the 20s

You have to include the following information:
Who/What are they?
Why were they important during WW1?
A picture
Your sources should be listed as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

WIN Time Tuesday

Try this  Game

Practice typing

Practice Synonyms

Practice Analogies

Practice Homophones

Fractions Notes

You must copy these steps into your math notebook..
You must use these steps EVERY time you are given a problem with unlike denominators to add or subtract.


Henry Bessemer
Henry Bessemer Facts

Bessemer's Achievements

George Washington Carver

Live Science- George Washington Carver

Famous Black Inventors

Swift and Armour
Read about Swift and ARmour in this presentation

Cornelius Vanderbilt
Encyclopedia Brittanica

Thomas Edison

Alexander Graham Bell

Henry Ford

George Eastman

World War 1



or HERE about the Lusitania

Compare Titanic to Lusitania

Read about the Zimmerman Telegraph HERE

Find out about the Zimmerman cartoon HERE

Monday, December 3, 2018

Dec. 3rd ELA Choice Board

Click HERE to access this week's Choice Board.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

World War 1

Click HERE to access resources to answer WW1 questions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

Tuesday WIN Time

Click Here to read today's Article!

We will be looking for main idea and supporting details.

Scholastic Book Wishes

Click HERE and add your wish!

Week of November 26- WIN time


Simplifying fractions 

Try this one too! Click HERE

Try this one TOO

Exploring Fossils

What are fossils?

You are going to find out for yourself. When you are finished, you are going to answer the following questions in Canvas

What are fossils?

Where are fossils found?

What can scientist learn from fossils?

 Explore the following websites:

Watch the Brainpop about fossils HERE
Check out the Museum of Natural History's website for kids HERE

Check out Fossils for sale- HERE

Fossils for kids- Read all about it HERE

Read about why fossils are important HERE

When you are finished exploring; go to Canvas and complete your assignment.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Using Text Evidence to Create a Mental Picture-Assignment

To Do:

You will use the text and the details you have found in the text to create a visual image of the Navajo people and the community in the story Summer's Trade 

What it should look Like:

I created an example here for you, using the text Christie's Sacrifice:

How will it be graded:

The rubric for the assignment can be found below or by clicking HERE


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Christie's Sacrifice

Read Christie's Sacrifice with your partner, and discuss the following questions: 

Who is speaking?
What is happening in the story?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 

Monday, November 12, 2018


Greetings Sweet Students! 

I'll miss you today!

Please do the following things, in this order: 

Then go to Dogonews and read an article about something that is interesting to you. Create a google document and summarize your article. Email your summary to

Watch this video about species extinction by clicking HERE

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Helping Others

Click HERE to read the text from Helping Others for this week's reading lesson.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Important Safety Patrol Information

Click below for more information about the Knox County School's Safety Patrol trip to Washington DC!

Our trip code is 784720

To register your child, click HERE

Fraker Kid's Click In this post for Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle sign up

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Monday, November 5, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

November Choice Board ELA

Click HERE to visit the ELA Choice Board for Nov. 5th.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Multi Digit Multiplication

Practice 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication by clicking HERE

Try this one and choose level 2-- click HERE


Click HERE to take the DOL quiz 1.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween History

Click HERE to access Halloween History resources.

Reading Book

Click here to log in to your reading book.

Your username is firstnamelastname2018 all lower case

Your password is Lions2018

Monday, October 29, 2018


Click HERE and start learning to type!


The next story we are reading takes place in China. Let's take a minute to explore and learn a little more about China.

Click HERE to read a little about Ancient China.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018



Please explore the images of the finches below.

Choose four of the birds and record them in the chart of page 68 in your BASNB


Monday, October 22, 2018

Pink And Say

Listen aloud to Pink and Say by clicking HERE

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


We are using Epic! in class to nurture students’ love of reading & learning. Connect with our class for free at using our class code jls2124 to see what your child is reading & find out how to access Epic! at home.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Long Division Resources

You can watch another mini lesson here:

PBS Long Division

Step by step visual- HERE

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Click HERE to listen to the book Coolies, remember to pause it as you need to and rewind in order to answer the questions you have been given. 


Click HERE

Monday, October 1, 2018

Student Art

If you have completed an amazing masterpiece you want to share with your friends, email
it to me at and I'll see if it is worthy of an upload here! 

Our first entry is from Junior in Mrs. Fraker's Class!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Emancipation Proclamation

You will go to THIS website to read all about the Emancipation Proclamation.

Create 5 questions about the proclamation that we might use in our Class Kahoot.

You will have 20 minutes to read the website and create the questions.

Write your questions on a piece of notebook paper. If you are finished, get your social studies books out and read pages 57-59 to learn more about the Emancipation Proclamation.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Scholastic Contests

Do you like PRIZES!

Here are some of the Scholastic Contests you can work on as part of your ELA choice board. Click on each to read the rules and submission deadlines. If you want to submit an entry, turn your BEST work into your teacher 5 days before the deadline so that we can get them mailed into scholastic.

Ten Mile Day

First: Read or listen to the story HERE 15 minutes

Second:  Summarize each paragraph in 10 words or less (15 minutes)

Third: Work on choice board for reading until the teacher calls you to the table. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Split Day

Sorry I  have to be gone kiddos! I hope you are on your absolute best behavior today for the other teachers.

If you are good, we'll have lunch together on Friday! 


1. You can listen to our story TEN MILE DAY by clicking HERE

When you have finished use the RACE strategy to answer the question:

Why do the men call the six-mile point “Camp Victory”?

2. Work on the Reading Choice Board that can be found here on the blogspot.

3. Read the stories HERE about magic in the classroom and answer the questions that go with the stories on a separate piece of paper.

1. Math Choice Board

2. Xtra Math

3. I-ready Math

4. Prodigy

Social Studies:

1. Read about the Emancipation Proclamation by clicking HERE. Answer the questions that go along with the passage on a piece of notebook paper.

2. Check out social studies activities on the Blogspot.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Students click HERE to go to Canvas


Today the teacher is going to show you how to do Soduku.

Then you are going to practice online.

Click HERE to practice online.

After that, you can practice with paper and pencil.

Which do you prefer? Online soduku or paper and pencil?

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Corn Genetics

Please find your table number below, and you will see the picture of corn beneath the Table number heading.  Count all of the kernels of corn you can see, write that down. Then count the purplish kernels, write that down. Then count the yellow kernels, write that down.

Then head back to your Be A Scientist Notebook to complete your activity. 

Table 1
Table 2

Table 3

Table 4
Table 5

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018


Biology for Kids- Hereditary Patterns: Read the information on this website and try the 10 question quiz.

Watch the Brainpop video on Heredity: Can you pass the quiz?

Explore Kid's Biology HERE

Why do children look like their parents?

Is having an extra toe hereditary? Find out HERE

What's in your genes? Science news for kids. Click HERE

Where did you get those GEnes, click HERE for another activity.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Totally Eighties

Eighties Arcade Games- HERE

Learn more about Cabbage Patch Dolls HERE

Design your VANS here

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube HERE

Check out these famous toys from the 80s HERE

Pac Man math

Click HERE to play some PacMan math

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Click HERE to hear the story again.

Interview Like Oprah

Click on the link below to share with your teacher:

Who would you interview, What would you ask them?

Click HERE to submit your answers.

Gettysburg Addresss

If you have finished your article, and answering the questions with your friends.

Use your packet and your discussion notes to answer the question found on your quiz.

Click HERE when you are ready.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mount St. Helens

You watched a little clip about Mount St. Helens. It was a volcano that exploded in Washington in 1980.

Read about Mount St. Helens HERE!

See another clip HERE

Design Your Own Shoes

Click HERE  to design your own shoes.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018



If you still do not understand, this kid with a cool accent will explain it: Click Here

Take a quiz by clicking HERE

Monday, September 10, 2018

Science Book

You and your student can check out what we are learning in science by going to

Log in to science book by clicking HERE

Students, use your Knox County login and password information to log in!

We will be starting Traits and Heredity during September. It's super cool!

Scholastic Book Orders

Each month I will submit a Scholastic Book order. I do not accept payments for this in the classroom, you can pay with credit card or paypal online.

Click  HERE to go to Scholastic Book clubs and enter our class code. HT6B8 and then you can shop through our class bookclub.

Please send me a Dojo message to let me know if you have placed an order, so I can submit it.

Thanks for encouraging your children to be better readers!

Kate and Brady Papers

If you have finished writing your paper and the teacher told you it is time to type then do the following:

Go to google docs and type your paper. Remember to give it a title and add your name to the document. You will click share, and get a link to paste into your online quiz.

Once you are finished typing you aren't going to email it to me, you are going to submit your paper here:


Remember just put your name and paste your link into question number 2.

Problems? Questions? Ask me.

Morning Helper Posts

You should finish your breakfast FIRST! Then report to your classroom you have been assigned. Ms Knight - Asia
Ms Minnich- Tamynie
Mr. Morris- Zaccheus
Ms. Nief- Oscar
Mrs. Bates-Gilbert and ADrian
Ms. Williams- Anjayla 
Ms. Carnes- Nicholai
Ms. Zajac -Kimber
Mrs. Newton- Brenda
Mrs. Waller- Brenda 
Mrs. Hollis-JOhn

Friday, September 7, 2018

Expanded form of Decimals

Click HERE to watch a lesson on expanded form of decimals.

When you are finished get a piece of notebook paper.

Put your name in the top, right hand corner--make sure your holes are on the left.

Write the words: Expanded form of Decimals on the very top line

Write the expanded forms of these decimals:

1)  2.89

2)  3.059

3)  23.408

4)  13.005

5)    .982

When you are finished, turn in this paper to your teacher.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Vote for an Inskip Kid!

Over at Artsonia, one of your fellow Inskip friends is up for Artist of the Week!

Click HERE and choose Darius!

It will be so cool to see one of our kids win!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Math- September Choice Board

Click HERE to look at the choice board for September.  Your teacher's emails are :

You will need to email your teacher some of the work from your choice board.

If you don't know how to take a screen shot on your chromebook, google it!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Writing Rubric-Explanatory

Click HERE to see the latest rubric for your informative/explanatory writing. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Math Quick Quiz August 27

Take this quick quiz to practice place value. click HERE

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Lesson 1- Understanding Place Value

Do you want to be proactive?

Review the skills from Lesson 1 here if you didn't do well on your test:

Practice Lessons for Understanding place value --click HERE

Watch a lesson by clicking HERE

Watch a different lesson by clicking HERE

Play a decimal place value game HERE

Social Studies Fast Finish

If you are finished with your social studies assignment, below you will find links to other activities and things you can do!

Play United States Pac Man!

World Geography Games

Meet Abraham Lincoln (Video)

Fun Facts About Presidents-Vocabulary Game

Learn the 50 states interactive!

Battle of Gettysburg Simulation-Could you be a military leader?

Military Leaders of the Civil War

5 Ws Assignment

You will use the website links below to research the following individuals.

You will get a large sheet of construction paper from your teacher and fold it into sixths.

In each square you will write the individual names of the following people (Who).

Then you will explain their role during the Civil War (what).

Then you will explain when they lived and what years they were active as leaders (When)

Then you will write which side they were associated with and where they lived (Where)

Lastly write the reason they chose to serve or help during the Civil War (Why)


Choose one of these people you think were the MOST important and write a paragraph on a piece of notebook paper explaining your opinion. Please be sure to use evidence from the articles that you read to support your opinion. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Civil War Battles and Events

Students will make a google slides presentation on their assigned battle with no more than 5 slides

You will need to include a title page and a page where you list your sources. 

The presentation must include where the battle took place, who won the
battle, the significance of the battle, and when it was fought.

* Title Slide- Name of event and your name
* Where and When the battle took place (map of battle)
* Who won the battle or what was the outcome
* Why was this battle or event important
* Sources Slide- List the websites you used to find your information

This is the rubric for the assignment and presentation:

4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
The student’s slides were well organized and spell checked.
Most of the student’s slides were  well organized and spell checked.
Some of the student’s slides were well organized and spell checked.
The student’s slides were not well organized or spell checked.
Student answered all of the required questions.
Student answered most of the required questions.
Student answered some of the required questions.
Student answered none of the required questions.
Student spoke clearly and was well prepared.
Student was mostly clear when they smoke and had prepared.
Student was difficult to understand and had prepared somewhat.
Student was difficult to understand and not prepared for presentation.

Websites to research the battles:

* Fort Sumter

First Battle of Bull Run

Fort Donelson

* Fort Henry








Appomattox Court House

Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 27th, Learning Choice Board

Aug 27 Choice Board- Social Studies Amendments

Native Americans had lived on the land that became the United States for centuries before Europeans arrived. Starting in 1607, people from many parts of Europe went across the ocean to settle there. These European immigrant groups lived in separate “colonies,” which were communities with their own religions, laws, and practices.
The English had the largest group of settlers. They controlled 13 colonies that stretched along the Atlantic coast, and they put English laws and practices into effect in the “New World.” One of these practices was to decide whom to give suffrage, which means the right to vote. Mainly Protestant white men who owned a certain amount of property, usually land, were given the right to vote.  In most colonies, Jews and Catholics were not allowed to vote, whether or not they owned property.
The colonists published “The Declaration of Independence” on July 4, 1776.  It announced that the 13 colonies would now be separate from England, and not ruled by England.  American colonists then had to fight and win the Revolutionary War against England in order to get their freedom. The United States now celebrates its independence every July 4, in honor of the Declaration of Independence.
The United States Constitution became the law of the land a few years after the colonies gained their independence from England. This document set out the rules of government for the country as a whole.  A colony had to approve, or ratify, and agree to obey the Constitution in order to become a state of the United States. Eventually, all 13 colonies agreed to ratify the Constitution and become states. Over time, as the country grew, more territories joined as states. The United States now has 50 states.
Most of the writers of The United States Constitution were Protestant white men. Most of them owned property. You might know the names of some of these men. George Washington (who became the country’s first president), James Madison (who later became the fourth president), and Alexander Hamilton were a few of the writers of the Constitution.
The Constitution gave each state the power to conduct elections and to make the rules about how voting is done in that state. Some states did not want to give suffrage to groups they believed were not capable of choosing wise leaders or making good laws. Some states did not want African Americans, women, or white men who did not have property to vote.
Over time, property and religious requirements for voting were dropped by each of the states. Since the early 1800s, no state has had a religious requirement for voting. Soon after that, property requirements were dropped in state after state, until all white men at least 21 years old had suffrage.
The Constitution tells the states not only what they must do, but also what they may not do, like discriminate against certain groups when it comes to voting.
The Constitution says that amendments may be added to the original document.  Over the years, the American people changed their ideas about what is right and fair, and so the Constitution was changed to fit the changing times through the addition of amendments. First, an amendment is proposed by at least two-thirds of the members of Congress. The amendment is added to the Constitution after the legislatures of at least three-fourths of the states ratify it.
There are now 27 Amendments, which were added over the course of 202 years. Three of these amendments give the right to vote to certain groups. The 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote in 1870. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920, and the 26th Amendment gave young men and women aged 18-20 the right to vote in 1971.

1. Three of the Constitutions 27 amendments give the right to vote to certain groups. What are these groups? 


9. How did states limit the voting rights of certain groups of people? Use information from the text to support your answer. Audio


10. What led to the passage of the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments? Use information from the text to support your answer. Audio

Click HERE to read about amendments to our Constitution at the Readworks site. 

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...