Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Quick Quiz - Dec 8

This week's quick quiz is a math review; bring your brain and play along!

Click HERE to take this week's quiz. It must be complete by FRIDAY!

Typing Games

Finished with your work?

Try one of these typing games below to increase your typing skills.

Typing Games 1

Typing Club-- Some of you already have accounts here FirstNameLastInitial - Mine is JeniferF
password lions

See if you can log in and begin your lessons. If you do not have an account. Start one, your username is your first name and last initial ex.  BobF  and the password should be lions

Typing Attack- Can you survive?

How Fast Are You?

Take this simple typing test below to see how fast you can type:


Comment with your first name and how many WPM you typed. What's your goal?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Renaissance Period

For all of you inquisitive students who wanted to learn more about the Renaissance.

Click HERE for a basic history.

Kids discover more HERE.

Word Nerd

Use this link to help with your word nerd assignment.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins U3W3

Read more about Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins HERE

Click HERE to complete the build your own dinosaur activity.

Dinosaur games and activities and be played HERE

Read and research about dinosaurs HERE and then complete the last activity.

WRITING ACTIVITY- Using the websites above, choose a dinosaur and write a short paper telling your reader about the dinosaur that you chose.

Make sure you write your paper by following the writing expectations of your classroom.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Big Universe- The Giraffe Who Was Afraid of Heights

Please log into your Big Universe account and read, "The Giraffe Who Was Afraid of Heights".

Write a brief summary and then take an AR quiz. Record your AR score on the bottom of your summary.


Click HERE to go to Big Universe.

Steve Jobs- Biography

You are going to head on over to TrueFlix and learn about Steve Jobs. Please watch the video, read the book, and take the quiz. When you have finished, complete the project idea and label it

When you have read and understand the directions go HERE ask your teacher for the login information.

The Outer Planets

Head over to StudyJams and watch the video and complete the quiz about our outer planets.

Label a piece of notebook paper: CHOICE BOARD ACTIVITY and write the names of each of the outer planets and two things that make them unique.


The Inner Planets

Head over to StudyJams and watch the video and complete the quiz about our inner planets.

Label a piece of notebook paper: CHOICE BOARD ACTIVITY and write the names of each of the inner planets and two things that make them unique.

Click HERE to go after you read the directions above.

The Water Cycle

Watch this video and complete the activity over at StudyJams!

Click HERE after you are finished reading directions.

Write a brief sequential paper to explain the water cycle after watching the video and taking the quiz.

Attach the work to your other choice board activities and label this one: CHOICE BOARD ACTIVITY

How is My Writing Graded?

You will get a score for development, focus, language and conventions. Your paper will have a DFLC written on the bottom and a fraction beside it. If you score a 1/4 next to "D"; then look on the rubric for what a 1 in development means. Your goal should be a 4 in each category, and proficiency will be a 3 in each category. To get your final score the teacher adds up the numerator for all 4 categories and places it over a possible 16. Then the teacher will divide the numerator by the denominator to get your final writing score. The best possible score is a 16/16 the lowest possible score for a completed paper is a 4/16.

Click on the rubric below to view it or to see it more clearly follow this link:   Informative/Explanatory Rubric for 4-5

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Root Words and Affixes

Play this game to practice Greek and Latin root words

Play Root Word Match.

Complete the Morphology Activity

More Root Word Games

When you are finished please list 10 root words or affixes on a piece of paper and the meaning of each, and then give an example of how that word part is used in a word.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Can you write a cinquain?

Check out the website below that explains what a cinquain is, and then write a cinquain by creating a document in your google docs folder.

What is a cinquain?

The Real Story of Paul Revere

Longfellow penned an amazing rendition of the story but click HERE to find out how it really happened.

After you have read the true story of Paul Revere, please write a short summary of the article and attach it to this week's learning stations.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


You will click on each link below and write one paragraph about what you learned about fossils from
playing on these sites. Use the RACE strategy to write your paragraph.

Build Your Own Fossil

Fossil Game

Interactive Learning About Fossils

Becoming a Fossil

More About Fossils

More interactive fossil activities

What did you learn about fossils?

Fall Festival

Inskip Elementary School
Friday, November 13th 5-7pm

We will have games, arts and crafts, face painting, hair painting, karaoke, bingo, a cakewalk, a photo booth and tons of goodies to eat!

Wristband - $10 (Covers food, games, and activities.) 
Tickets – 50 cents a piece (Each booth, game, or activity will be 1 ticket each.)

We need: Store bought cakes for the cakewalk, please drop off the cakes on November 12th or the morning of the 13th.

No unattended children will be allowed in the building, an adult must stay with the children.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Roaring Twenties Quiz

Click the link below to take the quiz!

Roaring Twenties Quiz

The Roaring Twenties Quiz

Click the link below to take the quiz!

Roaring Twenties Quiz

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Social Studies Quick Quiz- 1865-2015

Please click on the link below to the take the quick quiz for social studies. You MAY use your notes, but you may not use your social studies book. 

"Good Luck" --from Mrs. Feagins

Friday, October 16, 2015


Monday October 18, 2015

Good Morning! 

Today you will practice multiplication and division at these sites:






Then you will listen to two books, and write about each book:

Listen to:

A Bad Case of Stripes

Rainbow Fish

Friday October 16, 2015

Multiplication and Division-

You can practice math from 11:15-11:45
Then move onto the stories today.

Go to this website and listen to the story:
Thank You Mr. Falker
I need my Monster

When you are finished listening to the stories, I want you to tell me about the story in your journal.

Go to brainpop.comBrainpop and watch the video on photosynthesis

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Choose an Activity Blow
ScienceSocial Studies Language Arts

Complete the activity and then write a sequential paragraph detailing the steps of photosynthesis.
Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Social Studies

I'm Finished? What's Next?

If you think you are finished, look over the reflection questions below about your work:

1. Is all of my work put together, ready to turn in, and organized?

2. Did I use my best handwriting on all of my work?

3. Did I read each questions thoroughly and follow all of the directions?

4. Is my desk neat and organized? Have I completed any and all make up work that I have been assigned?

5. Have I read an AR book this week on my reading level? Have I taken a test and scored at least an 85?

6. If I have failed an AR test, have I written a summary for my teacher and turned it in?

7. Is there a writing story that I have started that I can work on?

If you have done all of the things above then you can go on to any of the activities labeled early finishers.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Long Division

Click below to play a long division game.


How to Divide With Decimals

Grab some earphones and watch this lesson below:


Practice Division

Math Playground

Play this game to practice your basic facts.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mathematics- Spanish Practice

Haga clic en los enlaces de abajo para practicar una habilidad importante .


Prime Numbers

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Quick Quiz- Independent and Dependent Clause- Sep 11

Students please click on the link below to take the quick quiz on independent and dependent clauses.

Please read each question carefully!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Symbiosis - National Geographic

Another source to learn more about symbiosis is located at the National Geographic Website:

National Geographic Website

You can find the definition for symbiotic relationships on this site, and you can watch short video clips providing examples of each one.

Symbiosis Research

Our guiding question is:  How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

Today you are going to write down and define each of the words below. 

Nutritional Relationship
Food Chains

You can use the Encyclopedia online as a resource for these definitions:


username: (Put Mrs. Feagins first and last name)  @gmail.com    and the password is joebob123

Symbiosis - Study Jams

Guiding Question:
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

In today's assignment you will watch a Study Jams video and take a quiz. Then, you will write the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks.

ASSIGNMENT: Click on the link below to watch the STUDY JAMS video. Then copy the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks from the quiz after watching the video.

Study Jams

Symbiosis is ___________________________.

An example of ______________________ is when a tapeworm lives inside an animal and eats the food it digests.

One thing commensalism and mutualism have in common is ______________________________.

One example of commensalism is _______________________________.

______________________ is beneficial to both organisms.

The host in parasitism is the organism that ___________________________________.

An insect pollinating a flower is _______________________________.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

More Practice Rounding

Click on the link below and choose the level that will challenge you most!

Most fifth graders should practice level 3.

Rounding Practice

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tall Tales with Paul Bunyan

Students will visit this website: American Folklore

They will choose one of the tales from the website and make a 4 square small poster with notebook paper.

In one square they will write the title of the story they chose and their name, in the other square they will draw an illustration of the tale, in one square they will list the main characters of the tale, and in the last tale they will write a summary that is between 15-25 words long. It has to be at least 15 words and CAN NOT be longer than 25.

Grading for this center will be as follows, each category is ALL or NOTHING.

Neatness- 25%
Following Directions- 25%
Following NO EXCUSES rules: 25%
All Four Squares Complete- 25%


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Aug 21 - Common Assessment ELA

Students click the link below to take the assessment:


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Quoting Accurately From a Text

Click the link below for a review on how to quote accurately from a text. Watch the short review presentation, and then write down three important rules about quoting accurately from a text.  Be sure to staple these rules to your choice board and label the top, "Quoting Accurately From a Text"


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Welcome Inskip 5th Graders!

Page Title

Today you will make sure you know how to log in to some important websites for our classroom. You should have copied all of your passwords and usernames onto index cards that you have placed in your notebooks. Try the links below and login to each of the sites; if you cannot login to each site please check with your teacher. Once you have logged in to each site, log out and go back to your seat. 

Feagins Classroom Code for XtraMath 7RT6F8AA

Accelerated Reader

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Grammar Quick Quiz

Please click on the link below to take the Grammar Quick Quiz


Monday, April 6, 2015

Identifying the Main Idea

Finding the main idea of a passage or paragraph can be tricky. You may need a little more practice.

Take a look at the following sites and spend some time improving your skills.

Main Idea Quiz

More Main Idea Practice

Great Practice for Main Ideas

Monday, March 30, 2015

Quotations Quiz!

After your teacher has given you permission, please click on the link below and take the quiz on quotation marks.

Remember the rules:

A comma comes before the quotation mark unless there is a question or an exclamation.

If the person is still talking at the end of the sentence the closed quotation is the LAST thing in the sentence, not a period.

"Do you know how to use quotations?" the teacher asked. "I think so," said the student, "but I might
need a reminder." The teacher smiled and replied, "Okay, let's start our review."

Click here to take your Quotations Quiz:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Challenge for Early Finishers

F =6
I =9
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13
N = 14
O = 15
P = 16
Q = 17
R = 18
S = 19
T = 20
U = 21
V = 22
W = 23
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26

What word can you come up with that when you add the value of the letters together, it equals exactly 100?

Example:  Look=53, L=12, o=15, o=15, k=11; so look equals 53. I am looking for words that equal exactly 100.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Student Practice

Take this online quiz: ONLINE QUOTATIONS QUIZ

Did you do well, great!  If not you may need to review the rules, see the links below for more practice:



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Summaries and Suffixes- A Quick Quiz for My Class

Please click on the link below to take this super-quick quiz on today's lesson.

Quick Quiz Summaries and Suffixes

Text Structures and Summarization

Popcorn Article

Today you need to read the above article, decide what text structure the author was using, and create a graphic organizer to organize the information that you read.

Tomorrow, you need to re-read the article and use your notes to write a quick summary about this article.

Finished Early?

Try this one too:  Hot Peppers

Remember your login at Newsela is the same as your pearson account

Need Help with Text Structure:

Text Structure Help

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Drawing Conclusions Quick Quiz

Please click on the link below and take this week's quick quiz. All responses must be submitted by Tuesday afternoon.
Drawing Conclusions Quick Quiz

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Small Group Math Review

This is a site that provides an online multiple choice test that would best be taken in small groups,
discussing each question as you go.

Small Group Math Review

Math Small Groups

The link below will take you to an excellent practice test for 5th grade math.

It is suggested that the teacher and each child log onto the test and discuss the answers together before choosing the best answer.

Small Group Math Review

Monday, February 2, 2015


Hey FIFTH GRADERS! We are going to be starting a research project very soon, and we want to make sure you know more about writing a research paper.

You will use the websites below to learn more about citing sources.

Website for all types of CITATIONS click HERE 

Citations for kids, great website for planning a paper HERE

Then copy these questions onto a piece of paper and answer them, you may have to search the above websites to find the answers:

What is a citation?

What are three items that should be included in a citation from a book?

What would four reliable sources be for a research paper?

Do you have to add the page numbers in a citation when using a magazine?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Let's Talk About Adverbs

Please do the quiz at the following site:

Adverb Quiz

Try again:

Second Adverb Quiz

Try another time:

Third Adverb Quiz

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Quick Quiz-FRIDAY!- Story Elements

Please click on the link below to take this week's quiz:

This Week's Quiz

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fractions Games

Need a little help practicing fractions on your number line?

Try this   LINK

Need help converting fractions to decimals? Try this LINK and be sure to try out the quiz at the bottom.

What about writing improper fractions as mixed numbers? Do you know how to do it?

If not click this LINK for another quick lesson.

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...