Friday, April 26, 2019

Logic- Light Bulb Answer

Answer : Light Bulb Puzzles

      First turn ON the first switch and leave it for few minutes. Then turn OFF the first switch and ON the second switch. Now enter the first floor room. If the light bulb is lit, the second switch must be connected to it. If it is not lit, it might the first or the third switch. Now touch the light bulb, it is hot it will be the connected to the first switch. Nor if it is cold, then it should be the third one.

The Division House

Click HERE

Logic- Light Bulb Puzzle

A light bulb is hanging in the first floor of the room. There are three switches in the ground floor room. One of these switches belongs to that light bulb. The light bulb is not lit and the switches are in off state. There is only one chance to visit the room. How can it be determined which of these switch is connected to the light bulb.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Say Something Nice

Click HERE and say something nice about your classmates

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Read the passage about Hercules you have been given by your teacher and use the links below
to read even more about Hercules.
Take notes as you read because you will need the notes to write a compare/contrast with the character in the movie.


More about Hercules

Hercules for Kids

Ancient Civilizations: Mayans vs. Aztecs

Click HERE to read the article about the Mayans and HERE to read the article about the Aztecs.

Create a VENN diagram to compare and contrast these two civilizations.

Fan and Pick

Click HERE for the questions

Partner 1 Fan the cards

Partner 2 Pick a card and read it aloud

Partner 3 Answer and Explain

Partner 4 Coach and a Cheer

Then Pass to the next person

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

5th Grade Rewards

Click HERE to give me your opinion about 5th grade rewards!


Group 1-  Click HERE to play this game. Choose medium level and walk through the
steps of Long Division  when you are finished, go to REFLEX

Group 2: Multiplication and Division Flash Cards

Group 3: Small Group Division Practice

Group 4: Write your multiplication facts from 0-12

Sleuth Technology and Treasure

Click HERE to read this week's Sleuth selection.

Write a paragraph explaining the risks and rewards of underwater exploration, according to the text.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

April 12 Substitute

All through school teachers ask you, "Who is your favorite author?"

Most of you shrug your shoulders and say, "I don't know."

Today you will pick from the authors below and listen to some of their books read aloud.

You will pick the author whose writing you enjoyed the most and create a Google Slide Presentation
about that author.

Answer all of these questions in your presentation:

Who are they?
Where are they from?
What books did they write?
What inspired them to write?
Are they still living?

Allen Say_
The Favorite Daughter
Tea With Milk

Sandra Boyton-
Are you a Cow?
The Going to Bed Book

Other Read Alouds

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Feedback for Research

Click HERE

Research for Fun- Resources

The Life of Stan Lee
Interview with Stan Lee
More Resources

Julio Jones


5 Strange Animals of the Sea


African Foods


Video Games

How Not to Laugh Pets

Greek Mythology


Mexican Foods Candy


Spider Monkies

Black Ops 4

LeBron James

Animation- Cartoon Maker

Monday, April 8, 2019


Due to an increased interest in Roman and Greek Mythology, I have created a new assignment.

You will look through the following sites about Greek or Roman Mythology, once you have chosen a God or Goddess that you want to write about, you will write your name and your partner's name on the back board, along with that of your chosen God or Goddess.

Once you are finished, you and your partner will write a brief paper, in your own words telling me all about the Deity that you chose.

Roman Mythology for Kids

Greek Mythology for Kids
More Greek Mythology for Kids

The History Channel and Greek Gods

More Greek Mythology

The History Channel and Roman Gods- Hercules

Sunday, April 7, 2019

States of Matter

Today we are going to continue talking about matter:

Click HERE and we will read together about mixtures and solutions

Table Talk: What are the three states of matter?

Click HERE and quiz your partner over the vocabulary for this unit.

You will have a quiz where you match these words with their definitions on Nearpod by
entering the code IOPTD. 


Students click HERE and enter the code to take the math quiz for this week.


Do you think you are a mad scientist?

Open the following file with a partner, take turns discussing the questions and sharing your answers, record your answer on paper and then go to the next slide to see if you were right.

Science Partner Test

Finished with that one:

Try this one

Science Partner Test 2

When you are finished, you need to turn in a piece of paper with the answers that you guessed before checking?

One Day Research Projects

You have been hired for a non-fiction magazine to write a 4 paragraph article. Your article will be on a topic of your choosing (and approved by your teacher). You will need to take notes, and keep track of every website you use, and type your paper. You will also have to present this information to your news team.

1st Step- Choose a topic and get it approved.

2nd Step- Start searching kid friendly sites for information (the teacher will help you)

3rd step- Choose a question about your topic to research.   Example: Topic --Turtles   Research-- Why are sea turtles facing extinction?

4th Step- Take tons of notes about your question. Use at least 4 different resources for information. Write your notes on notebook paper with the source listed at the top.

5th Step- Using your notes: Write a paper and make a google slides presentation. Your article needs to have at least 4 paragraphs and include a picture. Your google slide presentation needs at least 5 slides presenting the information to your news team.

Deadline: 1:00 today! Presentations begin promptly at 1:15

Friday, April 5, 2019

Grading Presentations

As you listen to presentation you will be ask to grade the presenters.

You need to look for an area of improvement and for something they did well.

Click HERE to grade each presentation.

Click HERE to see your grade.

Explanatory Rubric

Click HERE to see the explanatory rubric for informative papers.

The Roar- A 5th Grade Update


May 3- 5pm-7pm  Party in the Park- Adair Park -- Food, Games and Fun!

May 6-May 10

May 6- I Ready math and Reading Testing
May 9- Enrichment and Fun! 
May 10- Field Day- Central High School

May 13-May 17

May 16- Talent show 9:15 am

May 16- 5th Grade Promotion Night 6pm at Central High School
May 17- Spelling Bee 9:15
               Roar Up 1:15

May 20-May 23

May 21- Yearbook Signing Day, Pizza Lunch and Superlatives 12:25-2:30
May 22- Ice Cream for Excellence- Ice Cream Party at 1:15 for those with above average behavior best on Dojo performance. All other students will have silent read time. 

May 23- Half Day-- Last Day for Students

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Click HERE to solve the mystery.


I-Ready- Password is pass010



9AFA91- class code


Computer Login- S######### AND THEN FL####kcs



Physical and Chemical Changes

You will create a slide show about Physical and Chemical changes.

You will use your online science textbook for the information.

You need to define physical and chemical properties.

You need to define physical and chemical changes.

You need to provide 3 examples of physical change (with images)

You need to provide 3 examples of chemical change (with images)

You need a title slide, all of your information, and at the end a slide with your sources.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April 4 Substitute Social Studies

April 4 Science Substitute


Science Class


Read the cells passages HERE and answer the questions on a piece of paper

Click HERE to play the cells game!

Click HERE to explore plant and animal cells?

When you are finished, you will take a quiz on cells HERE, remember to read and play the games before you take the quiz.


Social Studies Class


Read all about the Civil Rights Movement HERE

Read even more about it HERE


Choose from the people or events below and create a 10 page Google Slideshow. Your
slide show must answer the following questions and have at least 3 pictures relevant to your presentation.

What is the Civil Rights Movement?
Why is the Civil Rights Movement Important?
Why was the event or person you chose important to the Civil Rights Movement?
When was your person born and die? Or When did your event take place?

Choose From:

Martin Luther King Jr.
Rosa Parks
The Little Rock Nine
Woolworth's Lunch Counter
Ralph Abernathy
John  F. Kennedy
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Brown vs. Board of Education
March on Washington
Freedom Rides

Monday, April 1, 2019

We helped the homeless.

Click HERE to see how.

ELL Activities

Brainpop Jr- With Captions on

Tumblebooks- Illustrate at least 5 words from each book

Kahn Academy- Set up spanish account

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...