Monday, December 16, 2019

Vocabulary Practice

Click HERE to practice with some root word games on Funbrain.

Click HERE to play a word family game

Click HERE to play FreeRice

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Genius Hour Project 1

Click HERE to access Genius Hour resource.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Planet Project

You will be completing a project for one of the following planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Follow the steps below to complete your project:

Step 1: Select a planet from the list above.

Step 2: Open this google doc link, save it to your account, and fill in the boxes with information about your planet. When you are done, share it with your teacher:

Step 3: Select two of the following options to complete your project:

  1. Poster board with information, pictures and labels.
  2. Google Slide Presentation.  Your slides must include all the information you researched including pictures to help the class know about your planet.
  3. A model.  You may do a model of your planet but again must have index cards with your research information for this project.
  4. Other (to be approved by Mrs. Inman) 
Some ideas: 
Image result for planet model projectImage result for planet model projectRelated imageImage result for planet poster projectImage result for planet poster projectImage result for planet project

World War 2 - Atomic Bomb

Click here to view a folder with pictures and text about the dropping of the two atomic bombs:

World War 2 Webquest

Use this link to complete World War 2 Webquest:

Kindness Choice Board

Click HERE to access the kindness choice board for December. Choose ONE thing each school day!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Crow Canyon

Inman - Small Group Writing Center

Look back at the Chi'lin Purse and Helping Others and consider what Hsaing-ling would say to Nyan if they met. Consider each person's experience and then write a dialogue between Hsaing-ling and Nyan that includes details about their actions, motivations, and feelings related to helping others.

Create a google doc and answer the prompt above.

Chi'lin Purse - Pg. 236

Helping Others -

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fraker's Tuesday Class

Click HERE for instructions on how to find our writing lesson for today.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fraction Pizzas

Today we will be making fraction pizzas!

You will each receive a tan circle for the pizza, a red circle for the sauce, and 6 triangles for the slices. Other colors will be available for you to make your toppings. Please follow the steps below to assemble your pizzas:

Step 1: Glue the red circle to your tan circle.

Step 2: glue the edges of your yellow triangles in a circle like the ones above. You should be able to bend them up because you will be writing things under the slices.

Step 3: Pick your toppings. You must have at least 3 different kinds of toppings on your pizza and a total of at least 25 toppings. For example, you might have 5 pepperonis, 11 sausages and 9 green peppers. Once you have picked your toppings, make them and glue them on your slices.

Step 4: Decide what fraction of the toppings is on each slice. For example, one slice might have 6/25 of the toppings. 3/6 of these might be sausages, 2/6 might be green peppers, and 1/6 might be pepperonis. Write and label these fractions under each slice.

When you are finished, turn in your pizza and get on Iready Math

Fraker's Students

Click HERE to find our ELA assignment for today

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Friday, November 1, 2019

Morning Clubs

Click HERE to select your top 3 clubs.
You must choose 3.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Harriet Tubman

The text you need to read is HERE it is all about Harriet Tubman

Friday, October 25, 2019


We have been learning all about the 1920s.

Which section was most interesting to you?

Create a Kahoot, Google Slides Presentation, Mini-Poster, or write a paper about the section
you thought was the MOST interesting!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Debt, Credit, Interest

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just bought a house and need to fill it with lots of things! You have also been given an allowance which must pay for both your bills and items to put in your house.

As you go, keep track of how much money you have spent so that you know how much you have left!

First, lets begin with your starting amount. You have been given $5000 to pay your bills and fill your home this month. 

Next, lets look at your bills. Subtract the following numbers from your starting $5000. 
House Payment: $900
Electricity: $150
Water: $50
Insurance: $150
Car: $700 (you just had to have that new car)
Gas: $100
Groceries: $400

Now it is time to spend your $$$! Remember your home is EMPTY! 
For your items, you will be shopping at .
Some things to think about buying for your new house:
Anything else you may want for your home....

BUT WAIT! I know it is hard to buy all the things you want with just a little money. So, I will give you the following options...
$1000 extra in credit to spend today!
$2000 extra in credit to spend today!
$5000 extra in credit to spend today!
this amount should be paid in payments beginning next month with an interest rate of 12%. Interest is the amount extra you owe for borrowing the money. You will be in debt to me if you take the offer. 

If you chose to take the extra money, make a list of additional items that you bought. 

Pink and Say

If you want to read Pink and Say again click HERE 

You can listen to it again HERE 

Link for teachers HERE

Friday, October 18, 2019


Click on the following link to access information about the 1920s.

When you click the link, it will take you to a folder. Inside of this folder, there are folders with the names of the things that you will be reading about. Click on the folders for the topics that your teacher has assigned to you. Read about these topics and look at the pictures. Then, write down information about them on your note taking sheet. Be prepared to share information with classmates.

World War 1 Timeline

Today you will be creating a timeline to review World War 1. For each event, you should have the event name, date, and a short description on your timeline. 
You will need to research to find the dates for the events and a little information to draw a picture. 

The following events should be included on your timeline:

1) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

2) World War 1 begins

3) the sinking of the Lusitania

4) Zimmerman Telegram

5) U.S. enters the war

6) Battle of the Somme

7) Armistice Day

8) Treaty of Versailles 

REMEMBER! you must have the event name, date, and description of the event on the timeline. You may add a picture if you would like. 

Here is an online timeline creator if you would like to use it:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Progressive Era

Click HERE and open up today's webquest.

You will then save a copy of it to your Google Drive.

Rename it with your first name and the words - Progressive Era Webquest

Monday, September 30, 2019

Fraker September 30th

Click HERE for today's agenda and lesson plan.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fraker's Class Friday September 27th

Click HERE for today's plans

Fraker's Class Thursday September 26

Today you will have a substitute teacher.

The plan for today can be found by clicking HERE

If you finish the work for an assigned block, you can always work on the choice board that can be found by clicking on the topic "choice board" to the left.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fraker- Group 3

Listening Graffiti

As you listen to the speech below, write key words, phrases or ideas that stand out to you.


You can draw pictures, graphics, or designs that are inspired by the speech.

Use materials provided by the teacher, and when the speech is finished, your artwork will be also!

You can just write down the words you hear.

You can draw pictures.

You can color the way it makes you feel.

Be creative, be neat, be expressive.

Show me you understand what he means in his speech.

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Railroad Over the Sierras

Click HERE to access the book for the lesson

Spanish America Quiz

To take the quiz, clink on the link below:


visit this website: 

Follow the instructions below:
1) Click on the Virtual Field Trip and watch until 5 minutes and 30 seconds. 

2) Click on the Explore Ellis Island Interactive Tour link. 
Click on each stop and read about each part of the island and look at the pictures. 

3) Click on the icon that says Meet the Young Immigrants. Go see your teacher for Dojo points. Read about each young immigrant. 

4) Write about it: What do you think are some differences between being an immigrant during the Progressive Era and being an immigrant now?

5) Create a google slide presentation, a poster, or a video of what you would want an immigrant coming to America to know about America. 

Common Assessment-5.NBT.A.4

Click here to take the quick quiz on 5.nbt.a.4

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Journey To Ellis Island

Click HERE to read Journey to Ellis Island

What are the challenges the Weinstein family faces at Ellis Island? Use the RACE strategy to answer the question

Blue group: How is the perspective of Yehuda different from that of Rachel? Explain your answer with evidence from the text.

Transcontinental Railroad

Click HERE to read the Readworks Article about The Transcontinental Railroad

Phases of the Moon

Create your own phases of the moon chart using white crayons, white colored pencils, black crayons
and black paper.

Math Palindrome

Click HERE to unlock the fun!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Common Assessment- 5.nbt.a.2

Click HERE to take the common assessment for 5.nbt.a.2

Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

WIN TIME - Friday Choice Board

Click HERE to access Friday's choice board for WIN time!

WIN Time Research Project

5th Grade Research Project

You will be working on a research project independently during your WIN time, one day a week for the next 9 weeks. 

Week 1: Choosing a Topic/Reviewing the Rubric 

Choosing a topic:

You will be given a list to choose from or your teacher may assign a topic to you.

You will be graded based on the rubric that is linked to below.

Click Here to see the topics for this 9 weeks

Click here to see the informative/explanatory rubric for writing

Weeks 2 & 3 - Note Taking

You will open the note taking document in Google Docs and save it to your Google Drive.
You will rename it with your name, note taking and the topic you are researching; for example:
"Jenifer Fraker- Note Taking- George Washington"

Make sure to find the answers to all of the questions in your form

Click here to open the note taking document and save it into your Google Drive

***Websites/Resources to be used for research: 

Kidz Search




Weeks 4 & 5-- Writing Organizer

You will open the writing organizer and using the note taking form from last week you will begin to organize your writing. Open the writing organizer and save it with your entire name, topic and Writing Organizer for example:  "Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Writing Organizer"

Click here to open the writing organizer and save it to your Google Drive

Weeks 6 & 7  Writing your Paper

Using your writing organizer, type your paper as a Google Doc and save it to your Google Drive.

Make sure you cite your sources, answer all of the questions in your writing organizer, and write a strong introduction and conclusion.

Also make sure you whisper read your paper to yourself and fix your errors.

Save it to your drive with your name, topic, and Research Paper, for example:  Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Research Paper

When you are finished, your teacher will ask you to share your paper with them for grading.

Weeks 8 & 9

Using the information and images collected for your paper, create a Google Slides presentation to share on the blogspot. You will save your Google Slides presentation with your name, topic and Google Slides; for example: Jenifer Fraker- George Washington- Google Slides

You should cover all of the major points from your paper, include at least 4 images, and have a title page and a resources page in your slide show. You will share it with Mrs. Fraker by using her email address: and she will add it to the blogspot if you met all of the criteria. 

Create a Kahoot Quiz about your famous person using the information from your research.
Create an informative poster all about your person for display in the hallway. 
Write a poem about your person. 


Please write your thank you note to

Dear Ansley Wells,

* Flexible seating in our classroom
* Blue chairs
* Green balls
* Green stools

Are the fun? Do they help you focus? Do you enjoy having different places to sit?

Tell her all about it, draw pictures, however you want to say thanks!

Work with your group to color your THANK YOU poster on the floor!

Reading and Writing Decimals Quiz


Click HERE to take a short quiz about reading and writing decimals in word, standard, and expanded form.

Remember to use your place value chart, dry erase boards, or whatever tools you have to help you answer these questions.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Science Quizzes

Click HERE for Science Module 1- Structures and Functions of Living Things quiz

Click HERE for Science Module 2 Quiz- Traits and Heredity

Click HERE for Science Module 3 Quiz- Learning From the Past

Monday, September 2, 2019

Landan C.

Choose 1 project, work on it until finished and then begin the next adventure.

Create a Flow Map of the following article. Tell me about any new thing you learned.
History of Motorcross

Create a Tree map with a few of these vehicles and then pick the best one and tell me why it is the best.
ATVs & Side X sides

Math adventures

ELA, Math, History and Science
Click on each of these topics to practice skills and learn new concepts.

Noah G.

Choose 1 project, work on it until finished and then begin the next adventure.

Read through each link and create a tree map of each article.

What's inside a PS4 controller.
How to fix one:

Careers in Video Gaming

Math adventures

ELA, Math, History and Science
Click on each of these topics to practice skills and learn new concepts.

Kariyah C.

Choose 1 project, work on it until finished and then begin the next adventure.

Reading and writing adventures

Biography of Famous People
Select 2 famous people and create a double bubble map to compare them. Then create a Google Slide that compares these two people.

Math adventures

ELA, Math, History and Science
Click on each of these topics to practice skills and learn new concepts.

Branden G.

Choose 1 project, work on it until finished and then begin the next adventure.

Adventures in Reading
Use a Thinking Map to record new learning from these sites
Image result for thinking maps

1.Industrial Revolution
2. Chemical Engineering
Read through this list of chemical engineering jobs.
Pick your top 2 or 3 that interest you and tell me what you want to do with this job.

Math adventures


Choose 1 project, work on it until finished and then begin the next adventure.

Writing in Google Docs

1. Imagine that you are given the power to make any one of your dreams come true. Which dream would you choose?  Write about the dream that is most important to you and why you would most want it to come true.

2. What does it mean to have a successful life? What is the best way to measure success?  Why?

Drawing tutor

1. Landscapes

2. Optical Illusion

3. Cute Unicorn

Math adventures

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...