Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Inner and Outer Planets

Read the following passage about the outer planets of our solar system:  Outer Planets

Read the following passage about the inner planets of our solar system: Inner Planets

Also, watch the Brainpop for each planet:  Brainpop

While you are reading and watching, please take notes. Create a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the inner and outer planets, also create a chart that lists 5 important facts about each planet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016



Click below and read about the earthquakes. Choose one and write a summary of the events using your best NO EXCUSES WRITING




Honushu, Japan


(Assignment 2)

Read HERE and then create a trifold for the local health department to teach Earth Quake Preparedness.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Vocabulary Practice

Please click on the links below and work on building your vocabulary:


Harder Analogies


Word Games

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Text Structure

Take this online quiz to see how much you know about text structure.

If you mess up, try it again! Keep going until you take the top prize!

Text Structure Game

Benjamin Franklin

Please click on the link below and read about Benjamin Franklin.

When you are finished, write 10 facts about Benjamin Franklin on a piece of notebook paper and
turn them in!

click HERE

Practicing with Division

You need a pencil and paper to work some of these problems.

Practice division HERE


Watch this brainpop video on erosion.

If you need the username and password check with me or a friend.

Take the quiz when you are finished.



Watch this video at PBS on erosion.

Please be sure to wear your headphones!


King Philip's War

Read the information on this page. Quick on the quiz at the bottom and answer the questions
about the quiz.

King Philip's War

Multiplication- 8

Practice your multiplication facts here:


50 States

50 States Practice

50 States Practice

Please click on the link below to practice learning more about the 50 states

50 State Game

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Extension Activities for Students at Home- ELA

Several parents have asked for resources for their students to use at home to aid in comprehension and strengthening reading skills. Hopefully, the websites we have provided will give you a good place to get started working with your child at home.

The first we would recommend is newsela.com.  You can go to the site and register as a parent. There are child appropriate articles to read, with questions, that are updated daily. One great way to use this resource is to have several people in the family read the article, and then take time at dinner or in the car to discuss the article together.

The second recommendation would be to check out http://www.readworks.org. This website, also a free resource, can be used to find articles to read with your child. The articles also have questions and answer guides that you can go over with your child.

One of the best ways to improve comprehension is to improve your vocabulary. At THIS SITE your child can practice by playing root word games on many grade levels.

Module 3 Social Studies

Students please click here and read through this online copy of Three Little Pigs:


Unit 3 Week 1 Common Assessment

Click HERE to take this week's common assessment.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Quizzes on Google

Click HERE to take today's quiz.

Quizzes on Google

Click HERE to take today's quiz.

Human Body Webquest

Read and follow the directions at this site to learn more about the human body.

Human Body Webquest

Monday, October 17, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Study Guide Standard 3

    Plants need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight (for energy) to complete photosynthesis, which takes place on the green leaves of a plant. Did you know that it is something called chlorophyl that makes plants green?Plants then release oxygen into the environment as a bi-product of photosynthesis. Animals need this oxygen to survive.  Plants get their carbon dioxide mostly from animals in return. Photosynthesis allows plants to make sugar or glucose, which helps them grow. 

      Food chains are the path of energy from one organism to another, and a food web is an overlapping of food chains in the ecosystem. Producers are the first part of the food chain, they take their energy from the sun and make their own food. The consumers are in the middle of the food chain, consuming other organisms for energy. The last part of the food chain are the decomposers, they digest decaying organisms.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Heredity Webquest

Check out the websites below. Write down 100 things you have learned about heredity.

Heredity Webquest

Photosynthesis Webquest

Please click on the link below. Write the questions on your paper and answer them completely using the links on the webquest. Work quietly and follow your teacher's instructions.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Civil War Webbquest

Please use a piece of paper and number it to match the questions in the webquest. Use the sites
on the very last page of the webquest to find the answers.

Civil War Webquest- CLICK HERE

Monday, September 12, 2016

Research Sources for Social Studies Projects

You can use
Brainpop.com for several of the folks

Clara Barton-

Biography of Clara Barton
The Red Cross and Clara Barton

William Lloyd Garrison-

Biography of William Lloyd Garrison
PBS website information about Garrison

Sam Watkins-
Information about Sam Watkins
New York Times article about Watkins

Nathan Bedford Forrest-
TN History for Kids
Civil War Facts

Matthew Fontaine Maury-
TN History for Kids

Jefferson Davis-
All about Jefferson Davis
Ten Things about Jefferson Davis

Sojourner Truth
Check out History.com

The Grimke Sisters
Read about the sisters at the National Park Service website

Frederick Douglass
Read about Mr. Douglass at PBS
Mr. Nussbaum's site

Research Sources for Social Studies Projects

You have been assigned a research paper. Your teacher has given you the rubric and graphic organizer to take notes. If you have lost those you can access them here:
Graphic Organizer

Rubric for Research

You can use
Brainpop.com and the sites below. 

Clara Barton-

Biography of Clara Barton
The Red Cross and Clara Barton

William Lloyd Garrison-

Biography of William Lloyd Garrison
PBS website information about Garrison

Sam Watkins-

Information about Sam Watkins
New York Times article about Watkins

Nathan Bedford Forrest-

TN History for Kids
Civil War Facts

Matthew Fontaine Maury-

TN History for Kids

Jefferson Davis-

All about Jefferson Davis
Ten Things about Jefferson Davis

Sojourner Truth

Check out History.com

The Grimke Sisters

Read about the sisters at the National Park Service website

Frederick Douglass

Read about Mr. Douglass at PBS
Mr. Nussbaum's site

Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Virtual Field Trip to Ellis Island

You will work with a partner and watch the video below. (This is a 3 day project)

Video: A Virtual Field Trip to Ellis Island

 DAy 1 and 2:

Each partner will need to take notes as you listen to the video, pause and rewind the video as necessary.  You have 2 days to complete watching and taking notes.

Day 3:  You will use your notes from the video to write a summary about what you have learned about Ellis Island. Each student will write independently from their own notes. You will not need a computer for the third day, and you should be working silently and independently. Please make sure your writing follows all the NO EXCUSES rules.

u1w4 Assessment

Friday, August 26, 2016

u1w2 Assessment

Please click on the link below and take the short quiz for today!

u1w2 quick quiz

u1w2 Assessment

Please click on the link below and take the short quiz for today!

Quick Quiz

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Important Dates!

Welcome to all of our new fifth graders! This year is going to be the best year EVER! We look forward to getting to know each of you as we begin this journey in learning.


August 5th (Friday) Meet the Teacher 2-4pm
August 10 (Monday) First Day for Students  (1/2 day for students) 
September 7 (Monday)  LABOR DAY – Holiday
September 9 (Wednesday) End 4 1/2-weeks Grading Period
September 28 (Monday) In-service Day (System-wide No School for Students)
October 9 (Friday) End First 9-weeks Grading Period
October 12-13 (Monday & Tuesday) FALL BREAK

          You can access the Knox County Schools Calendar HERE

        You can access the Inskip Elementary School Calendar HERE

Important Dates!

Important End of the Year Dates!

April 13th- Field Trip to Camp Wesley WoodsApril 14th- No school, Good FridayApril 18-20 TCAPSApril 25-27 TCAPSMay 4th- Field Trip to McClung MuseumMay 12th- Field DayMay 15th- 5th/4th Grade SwapMay 17th- 5th Grade End of Year- CelebrationMay 18th- Talent ShowMay 19th- Feagins's Class Birthday/Dance Party (All Summer Birthdays)May 22nd- Honors ProgramMay 23rd- Last Day of School (Half-Day)


Don't forget parent conferences this Thursday, March 23rd!  Your time has been sent home in your child's folder!

Welcome to all of our new fifth graders! This year is going to be the best year EVER! We look forward to getting to know each of you as we begin this journey in learning.


August 5th (Friday) Meet the Teacher 2-4pm
August 10 (Monday) First Day for Students  (1/2 day for students) 
September 7 (Monday)  LABOR DAY – Holiday
September 9 (Wednesday) End 4 1/2-weeks Grading Period
September 28 (Monday) In-service Day (System-wide No School for Students)
October 9 (Friday) End First 9-weeks Grading Period
October 12-13 (Monday & Tuesday) FALL BREAK

          You can access the Knox County Schools Calendar HERE

        You can access the Inskip Elementary School Calendar HERE

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Research Ideas

Did you know that in Ancient Whodowa that the people ate their food with their toes? It's true. Whodowa people are known for that mad toe skills. In addition to eating their food with their toes, they also played piano, threw a ball, and held a sword with their toes. There are many interesting things about the Ancient Civilization of Whodowa; the toes skills are just the beginning.

Ancient Whodowa was established in 8739387492837493827493287 B.C.E and the people were mostly................
culture and society

politics and law

economics and technology


The people of Whodowa were very advanced for their time period. Their artwork was very important to them, the giant toe statues still stand today.  You can find more information about the Whodowa by visiting the McFeagins museum in London. The Whodowa continue to influence society, even today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ancient Egypt

Listen to Mr. Nicky's song HERE

Watch these brainpops:

Seven Wonders, Cleopatra, Egyptian Pharoahs

Read the following articles and take notes:

Mr. Donn's Site: Read and Take Notes

Ten Facts About Ancient Egypt

Cool Kid Facts

Ancient China

Ancient China song by Mr. Nicky can be found HERE

Read the following websites and take notes about Ancient China:


Mr. Donn

History For Kids

Flocabulary- Not sure if this site works

Kid's Discover Ancient China

National Geographic Kids

Ancient India

Click here to listen to your song by Mr. Nicky

Read the following websites and take notes about Ancient India:

Mr. Donn

Ancient History

Kids Discover

Social Studies for Kids

Ancient Greece

Click HERE to hear Mr. Nicky's song about Greece

Review all of the following websites to find notes for your research paper:

Mr. Ducksters

Nat Geo

Mr. Donn

History for Kids

BBC - Growing up in Greece


Mr. Nicky's Song

Watch the videos and take notes:

Watch THIS brainpop on ancient Sumerians

Read the articles and check out the websites and take notes:

Mr. Donn's Site on Mesopotamia

DK Find out about ancient Mesopotamia

Kids Discover Mesopotamia

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ancient India

Read about Ancient India here:


Hieroglyphic Samples

You have been asked to create your own hieroglyphics. As you create your alphabet, make sure you choose symbols that are easy for you to recreate. Also, make sure that each one of your symbols is unique and not easily confused with another. There are a few samples below if you need some ideas.

Lucy and The Leakeys

Read the booklet you can find HERE.   As you read, use the text to answer the questions below on a piece of paper.

1. What year was Louis born? What year was Mary born? What year was Lucy born?

2. What is a Homo sapien?

3.  Paleo means ancient, an archeologist is a scientist who studies human history. What do you think a paleoarchaeologist studies?

4. Why did paleoarchaeologist in the early 1900s not consider Africa as a potential site for the origin of makind?

5. Why was the discovery of Lucy important to scientists? What did they learn from Lucy's bones?

6. What country was Lucy discovered in?

7. What important discovery did Mary make in 1976?

Can You Name the Countries in Africa?

Africa has many, many countries. Play this game and see if you can find where any of them are located!

Locate countries in Africa

Friday, April 22, 2016

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Are you a lover of Jeff Kinney's famous "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series?

If so, you should check out this website, HERE

Scholastic Book Order

I place a Scholastic book order about once a month. You simply follow the link below, click on the box for parents, create an account, and put in our class code. Our class code is:
Parents click HERE

Our classroom earns free books everytime you place an order online. Thank you in advance for helping us support the classroom. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Science Review

Science Test Practice:

Grab your paper and pencil and get started!

You will answer all of the questions in this online test booklet.

Science Test Practice

Are you finished? Then you should be able to find the answers HERE to check your work.

Figurative Language Scavenger Hunt

Activity 1:

Search the following website for the meanings of the terms below. Write down the terms and the definitions on a piece of notebook paper.

Silva Rhetoricae: Use the Search Box

1.   Alliteration:

2.   Simile:

3.   Metaphor:

4.   Personification:

5.   Onomatopoeia:

Activity 2:
Search the following websites for poems that contain the literary devices you just learned about.  Record the name of the poem, the website it was found at, and the line or lines from the poem that contain the literary device on a piece of notebook paper. 

Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry for KidsPoetry Lover's Page

1.   Alliteration:
Name of Poem:
Example of Literary Device:

2.   Simile:
 Name of Poem:
Example of Literary Device:

3.   Metaphor:
 Name of Poem:
Example of Literary Device:

4.   Personification:
 Name of Poem:
Example of Literary Device:

5.   Onomatopoeia:

Name of Poem:
Example of Literary Device:

Activity 3:

Your turn! Write a poem that contains all five of these literary devices. When you are finished list each device and how you used them in your poem. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Grammar Gorilla

You need some practice with grammar!

Go HERE to play a game to practice parts of speech.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Coordinate Grid Lesson

Grab Your Headphones and check out this lesson!  HERE

Catch the Aliens

Do you need more practice on the coordinate grid?

Click HERE to practice while you catch the aliens.

Catch the Fly

Play this game to learn more about ordered pairs on the coordinate grid.

Click HERE to play

Billy Bug

You want to play a game while learning about the coordinate grid?

Click HERE to check out Billy Bug

Coordinate Grid

Learn more about the coordinate grid HERE.

This Brainpop video will show you all 4 quadrants of the coordinate plane. Watch it HERE 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hansel and Gretel

Please listen to "Hansel and Gretel" HERE

When you are finished, I want you to think about this story and write the story from 1st person point of view. Which character will tell your story?

You have several choices; Hansel, Gretel, the step-mother, the father (woodcutter) or the old woman.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Weekend Homework

You have read the story of The Three Little Pigs. You have heard it told from the wolf's point of view, and the mother pig's point of view, and now you are going to write it from the brother with a house of brick's point of view.

Write a short narrative from the surviving pig's point of view. Remember, to have fun with this and don't change the main story.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Upcoming Dates!

April 26-29 TN Ready Testing
April 28- Interim Reports
May 4- Field Trip
May 11- 1:00 5th Grade Farewell
May 13- Field Day
May 17 Honors Program
May 18 Talent Show-- Ice Cream Sundaes

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...