Wednesday, December 19, 2018

January Choice Board Math

January Choice Board for Math Can be Found HERE

Finding LCD

Watch this video on finding the LCD and then complete the worksheet on your choiceboard.

January 8 Choice Board

You have a copy of the January Choice Board But if you want to see it you can click

HERE- January Choice Board

January Analogies Practice

Click HERE to take a mini lesson on analogies.

Once you are finished, test out your knowledge HERE.

Commonly Misspelled Words

Write each of the following words in your reading journal, then trace them with a colored pencil.

Study them closely, they are words that tons of 5th graders forget how to spell.

Write a story using at least 10 of the words and staple it to your choice board.

a lot

Finding Water Animal Fossils On Land

Click HERE  to read this month's article about fossils. Answer the questions at the end on a piece of notebook paper and staple it to your choice board.

Label the paper at the top: Finding Water Animal Fossils on Land

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Parts of Speech Video

Watch this video about the 8 parts of speech and then create a mini book. In your mini book you will identify the 8 parts of speech and give examples of each.

The Designs of da Vinci

Click HERE to read our text this week The Designs of da Vinci

How to Make a Mini- Book

If your teacher has asked you to make a mini-book, and you have forgotten how,
watch the instructions HERE

Friday, December 14, 2018

Genius Hour Class Project

Click HERE to access the Genius Hour Class Project.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Roaring Twenties

Students will choose one of the topics below:

* WC Handy
* Bessie Smith
* Harlem Renaissance
* Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of the St. Louis

Students will research their topics and write a three paragraph paper covering the: Who, What, Where, When and Why this topic is important?

Research papers should follow all of our NO EXCUSES rules and be typed into a google document.

When you are FINISHED with your paper, submit it to your teacher (Fraker's Kids check Canvas- Social Studies).

Then you may create a GOOGLE slide presentation using the research you have done. Please include at least 5 slides, with 3 pictures, and make sure you cite your sources.

You will have two days to complete this task.

Important People of World War 1

Create a Google Slide Show with at least 11 slides, 2 for each person or category below and a slide where you cite your sources:

Herbert Hoover

John J. Pershing


Lawrence Tyson

Alvin C. York

Women of the 20s

You have to include the following information:
Who/What are they?
Why were they important during WW1?
A picture
Your sources should be listed as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

WIN Time Tuesday

Try this  Game

Practice typing

Practice Synonyms

Practice Analogies

Practice Homophones

Fractions Notes

You must copy these steps into your math notebook..
You must use these steps EVERY time you are given a problem with unlike denominators to add or subtract.


Henry Bessemer
Henry Bessemer Facts

Bessemer's Achievements

George Washington Carver

Live Science- George Washington Carver

Famous Black Inventors

Swift and Armour
Read about Swift and ARmour in this presentation

Cornelius Vanderbilt
Encyclopedia Brittanica

Thomas Edison

Alexander Graham Bell

Henry Ford

George Eastman

World War 1



or HERE about the Lusitania

Compare Titanic to Lusitania

Read about the Zimmerman Telegraph HERE

Find out about the Zimmerman cartoon HERE

Monday, December 3, 2018

Dec. 3rd ELA Choice Board

Click HERE to access this week's Choice Board.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

World War 1

Click HERE to access resources to answer WW1 questions.

Important Post

The Roaring Twenties- Time Travel Brochure

  Module 2 Lessons 8   The Twenties      5.14 - Examine the growth of popular culture during the “Roaring Twenties” with respect to the foll...